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In a nut shell (no pun intended – well maybe it was) chocolate is a fascinating subject.  Its history is quite extraordinary.  It goes back 4000 years and has played an important role in culture, medicine and currency.  Apart from its delectable taste, there is much myth and psychology attributed to chocolate.  For many people it is an indulgence, a wicked treat and let's not mention its aphrodisiac properties!  It certainly brings a lot of pleasure to a lot of people and if I can aid the process I am only too happy to be of service.


Find out about its origins and its many health benefits.

Chocophiles' Corner

Cocoa was discovered by the Olmec and Mayans in South America and is believed to go back to 2000 bc.  As well as being a prized drink cocoa beans were a valuable commodity and were exchanged for food, livestock or land as the most common form of currency.



Chocolate has a bad press and with so much in the news about obesity and diabetes, only a fool would ignore the warnings. But is it all doom and gloom?  Certainly not. As with everything in life, the key is moderation.  Cocoa is a bean after all, not that I think you can count is as one of your five a day, but you may be surprised to learn about the many benefits found in cocoa.


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